The story of Flint (Michigan) a city that since 2014 is suffering the consequences of a water crisis that poisoned its citizens and ended up killing 12 people. In this episode of El Teléfono Rojo Podcast We talk with Zahra Ahmad, a journalist that works for the local newspaper (The Flint Journal) who will help us understand the background of the city and the reasons that led to swithc Flint´s water supply.
Drew Fitzgerald and Jaden Smith created a solution for the city: The Water Box. A machine bringing clean water to its citizens since the government can´t cover nor guarantee a clean and safe water service.
El Teléfono Rojo es un Podcast de reportaje y Política internacional, este Proyecto nace de la idea de que la política y el periodismo son parte de la cultura. El Teléfono Rojo es un podcast presentado y dirigido por Ignacio F. Vázquez.